Roseville Tunnel (West Portal Tunnel Lining) - December 21, 2023...


A quick stop in the early morning on my drive into work.  I was surprised to see that work was progressing nicely now that the tunnel entrance (west portal, that is) was blocked-off from the elements.  Lots of wire mesh was installed over the rock faces just like it was on the east portal.

It looks to me like the tunnel will be completed by the time spring rolls around, because much work needs to still be done on the remainder of the railbed, as well as constructing the new station in Andover.


The first (7) pictures are looking west from atop
the West Portal of the Roseville Tunnel

The next (2) pictures are looking at the north rock face
with the West Portal of the tunnel to the right

The remaining (6) pictures are looking at
the West Portal tunnel entrance


I hope you enjoyed the views !


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